>> Who We Are / Whistle Blowing Policy
Whistle Blowing Policy
Sembawang Family Service Centre (SFSC) is committed to a high standard of Corporate Governance. This whistle blowing policy aims to provide an avenue for employees and external parties to raise concerns, of any activity that is an actual, suspected, or anticipated wrong-doing within or by SFSC that is within SFSC’s ability to manage and control.
1.1 This policy seeks to establish a trusted avenue available for all employees as well as all external parties to express their concern in good faith on suspected wrongdoings which may cover any of the following:
a. General malpractice such as immoral, illegal or unethical conduct;
b. Potential infractions of Code of Conduct relating to impropriety, corruption, acts of fraud, theft and/or misuse of SFSC’s properties;
c. Any other serious improper action which may cause financial or non-financial loss to SFSC or damage SFSC’s reputation;
d. Criminal activity;
e. Dangerous activities which pose as a threat to the health & safety of SFSC and/or the community.
1.2 This policy does not cover grievances. Grievances deal with an individual or personal matter and is not a whistle-blowing concern. Grievances will be handled by the SFSC’s Human Resource Sub-Committee.
2.1 SFSC assures its employees and external parties that through this policy, they do not have to fear retaliation if they are to report any suspected serious misconduct or breach of law or organisation regulations, done in good faith.
2.2 SFSC will protect the privacy of any employee or external party who reports the misconduct. However SFSC shall not condone any frivolous, mischievous or malicious allegations with malicious intentions. In such cases disciplinary action may be taken against that individual.
2.3 SFSC will treat any reported cases fairly and will conduct a thorough investigation. This is to ensure that only those who are proven to have acted in a manner deemed improper by SFSC will be penalised.
3.1 The whistle-blower may make a report via email to whistleblow@sfsc.org.sg or send it to the following address attention to the SFSC Management Committee Chairman in a sealed envelope marked private & confidential:
The Chairman
Sembawang Family Service Centre Management Committee
Blk 326 Sembawang Crescent #01-52
Singapore 750326
3.2 Upon receiving the report, the whistle blowing committee will investigate your report. If the investigation requires an interview with the whistle-blower, all whistle blowing committee members (the “Panel”) will be present.
3.3 As it is essential for SFSC to have all critical information in order to be able to efficiently evaluate and investigate a complaint, the concern made should include:
a. background, history, and reason for the concern;
b. dates or period of time;
c. nature of concern;
d. name of the person involved in the events;
e. evidence substantiating the concern (e.g. documents, e-mails, voice logs, or witness); and
f. contact details (in case further information is required).
[You may use the Form attached in Annex 1 which can be downloaded from the website].
3.4 The whistle-blower who reports a concern must meet any reasonable request to clarify any facts and/or circumstances, provide information, and cooperate with an investigation. A lack of information can be a reason to decide not to conduct an investigation and/or to conclude that the concern has no factual basis.
3.5 After confirming the report, the Panel will recommend the course of action to be taken to the SFSC Management Committee (MC). The MC will ensure that the appropriate action to be taken is within SFSC’s guidelines for those who have breached SFSC’s regulations. Law enforcement authorities will be notified for instances involving crimes and situations which
is detrimental to national interest.
4.1 The Panel shall comprise three members as follows:
Chairman, SFSC Management Committee
Chairman, SFSC HR Sub-Committee
Chairman, SFSC Finance Sub-Committee
4.2 Where the report or concern is made against or relates in any way to a member of the Panel, that member shall recuse him/herself from any deliberations and decisions relating to the convening of an investigation into that report/concern and the manner in which that investigation shall be conducted.
4.3 The Panel may appoint an independent committee of inquiry (“COI”) or appropriate advisor or external service provider to assist in conducting an investigation where necessary. Where the whistle-blower has provided contact details, he/she may be contacted for further clarification or information.